Network Enabled Operations Support
Connecting platforms in use offers the greatest capabilities boost besides new developments. ESG and IAI have therefore entered a technology partnership to enhance the technology of the Israeli OPAL network, which has been successfully in use for years, for the German armed forces.

It is intended that NEOS can path the way to connect the legacy platforms, so that a Next Generation Weapon System (NGWS) can be introduced into a connected environment and that the concept of System of Systems can be realized across technology generations.

Advantages of NEOS:

Each weapon system can benefit from the capabilities of other systems.

  • Ad-hoc network
  • Real-time 
  • Masterless
  • Self-healing
  • Open architecture
NEOS decouples the hardware from the capabilities of a weapon system.

This means:

  • Mission-specific applications give real-time information superiority
  • Shorter innovation cycles (months instead of years)
  • Dramatically reduced upgrade costs
  • Information sharing for all participants in the network
  • Compensates for low availability of platforms

In Israel, the OPAL network has been in use for many years in a wide range of combat fighters, AEW aircraft, tankers, trainers, UAVs, as well as in corvettes and C2 centres. Now other, future platforms can also benefit from the 5th generation sensors. Combat proven!

For further information, please contact us
