Qualitätsmanagement der ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH

Quality management

Committed to the highest quality
As a technology company and preferred system and logistics partner, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH is committed to the highest quality. The dovetailing of a fundamental understanding for quality with processes, methods, tools and training are the foundation for innovative and high-quality products and services.
Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction

Our mission

Quality = Correlation of objective and execution

ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH’s quality management is embedded in an Integrated Management system (IMS), which also includes the interaction of quality management with information security (according to ISO / IEC 27001), risk and opportunity management (according to ISO 31000), occupational safety and environmental protection (according to ISO 14001) and compliance.

ESG’s management promotes and enhances quality awareness and internal quality standards in order to meet project goals in a sustainable, timely and cost-effective manner, taking into account legal regulations, relevant norms and standards from science and technology. This is also anchored in our Compliance Code of Conduct.

Processes and tailoring

ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH has developed its own process and procedural model for the implementation and execution of projects.
The model is based on the generally recognised V-Modell® XT, which is often contractually demanded by public authorities, and was adapted in accordance with our service and product portfolio. Our in-house developed tool ELF TALE for targeted tailoring and in-house reporting supports project managers in project planning, implementation and control.

Prozesse und Tailoring im Qualitätsmanagement
Methoden, Tolls und Standards im Qualitätsmanagement

Methods, tools and standards

All processes are supported by methods, work instructions and standards as well as an integrated tool landscape - our software production environment. In addition our tools and standards cover the following topics:

  • Requirements development, analysis and management
  • Functional safety
  • Agile methods
  • Configuration management
  • Problem and change management

Our portfolio also includes projects with special quality requirements based on functional safety, which are carried out according to the requirements of safety-relevant standards:

  • IEC 61508
  • RTCA DO 178
  • RTCA DO 254
  • ISO 26262
  • etc.
Configuration and Data Management (CDM)

ESG attaches great importance to traceable product configurations, documents and data. Therefore, an independent department is responsible for all company-wide processes and procedures related to configuration and data management. Both standard tools and ConVision, an application developed in-house by ESG, support our CDM approach.

The main tasks of the central CDM are:

  • Responsibility for all overarching CDM topics in ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH
  • Development and improvement of company-wide CDM procedures, processes and tools
  • Focal point in CDM matters for tenders, offers and projects
  • Consultancy and support of audits and assessments
  • Development and implementation of company-wide CDM trainings
  • Qualification and technical training of CDM staff
KDM Konfigurations- und Datenmanagement durch ESG
ESG Qualitätsmanagement Schulungen

Training and professional development

All our procedures, processes and tools support our employees and managers during their daily work. A variety of training courses and on-the-job training round off our efforts to meet the highest standards. In addition to general IMS / QMS training courses, specialist training courses deepen the knowledge of our employees. Comprehensive training and professional development programmes ensure continuous further knowledge building and exchange.

Specialist training
  • Quality assurance in projects
  • Functional safety
  • Aviation law and approval
  • And more
Training and professional development programmes
  • Systems engineering development programme in cooperation with leading universities
  • Development Centre Quality and Project Management
  • And more

Reviews, audits and certifications

In order to achieve our quality goals we have set ourselves, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH regularly conducts internal reviews and audits and monitors the quality performance of its business partners and suppliers. We have our company and our regulations regularly checked by independent certifiers.
ESG is certified or approved according to the following standards and official regulations:

  • DIN EN ISO 9001 / DIN EN 9100
  • DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001
  • Part 21J Design organisation
  • Part 21G Production organisation
  • Part 145 Maintenance organisation

Furthermore, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH conducts a wide range of projects every year in accordance with the NATO requirements for quality assurance (NATO Standardization Agreement, STANAG and Allied Quality Assurance Publications, AQAP) and is subject to Governemental Quality Assurance.

Our Certificates

  • DIN EN 9100
  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001
  • Part 21J Design Organisation (DOA)
  • Part 21G Production Organisation (POA)
  • Part 145 Maintenance Organisation (MOA)

Aviation Organisation for Aircraft and Aircraft Equipment of the German Armed Forces


Continual improvement & awards

With expertise and looking into the future, we monitor ourselves and continuously develop our procedures and services according to our own standards in order to best serve the requirements of our customers and markets. Our employees share the aspiration to make our customers' vision a reality with passion and innovation.

Auszeichnung Top 100
Auszeichnung Leading Employer
Auszeichnung Top 4 Women

For further information, please contact us
