Command & Control Systeme - Taranis Suite der ESG

Command & Control System- TARANIS® Suite

Next generation command and control systems
Improve your situational awareness and accelerate your decision-making processes with the TARANIS® Suite, the tailored command information system for all command levels.

TARANIS® Theatre

The command post solution

TARANIS® Theatre is quickly and easily integrated into an existing IT infrastructure. The system efficiently supports and relieves users at the highest command levels during the decision-making process.

Advantages and functionalities for the user:

  • Easy integration in the existing IT environment
  • Acceleration of the decision-making process
  • Easy integration of third-party software
  • Use in stationary and mobile command posts
  • Interoperability at all command levels of allied forces thanks to IMS
  • Comprehensive map processing
  • Tactical symbols (AAP6 A/D, MIL STD 2525C)
  • History function
  • User-friendly layer management
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Vorteile für Anwender von Command & Control Systemen der Taranis Suite

TARANIS® Battlefield

The mobile solution

A structured and up-to-date picture of the situation on the ground (COP - common operating picture) is essential for a successful operation. TARANIS® Battlefield is designed for the mounted and dismounted deployment of modern armed forces. Near real time, it provides the leader on the ground with a highly up-to-date situation picture and relieves them during combat situations. In order to share the information obtained with higher and subordinate divisions in real time, the system is designed from the outset for low bandwidth radio transmission.

Interactive Map bei Command & Control Systemen der Taranis Suite

Advantages and functionalities for the user:

  • Deployment at tactical level (mounted and dismounted)
  • Optimised for low bandwidth and GPS denied environment
  • Comprehensive options for sensor and effector connection
  • Day/night mode including IR function
  • Different map options and views (ortho, topo, shader, “pseudo” 3D, etc.)
  • A variety of integrated forms already (STANAGs, national regulations, etc.)
  • Workflows for simplified, clear processing
  • Tactical symbols and layer management
  • Freehand drawings for rapid (visual) command and the creation of tactical signs

TARANIS® Soldier

The dismounted solution

TARANIS® Soldier facilitates situational awareness of the squad / platoon level. The system helps the soldier to promptly identify their own forces (BlueForce Tracking) and enemy forces, and take them into consideration in further decisions. The situation picture can grow digitally from even the lowest tactical level, due to the various functions. The main focus of our system lies in providing the deployed soldier with essential information – even under the toughest conditions.

Advantages and functionalities for the user:

  • Specially tailored to the needs of the group/platoon level
  • Optimised for group communication (simple chat, radio)
  • Essential and necessary support functions (Blue Force Tracking, 9-Liner, altitude data, etc.)
  • Individually adaptable
  • Compatible with conventional operating systems (iOS, Android)
  • Map functions including elevation data
  • Chat functions
  • Simple command structure
Zielgruppenspezifische Vorteile von Command & Control Systemen der Taranis Suite
Secure network within a multinational environment

Thanks to the integration of our Information Mediation Service, you will be able to exploit the advantages of multinational cooperation at all times. You benefit from our in-depth knowledge of the applied standards and are specifically supported by our software products.

Information Mediation Service - IMS

Effective multinational communication

Our Information Mediation Service (IMS) facilitates a quick and easy connection between different command and control systems and therefore helps soldiers to establish effective and efficient communication.

Your advantages:
  • Field-tested stand-alone product
  • Joint implementation across military levels
  • Simple connection of simulation systems
  • Easy expansion (SOA)
  • Straightforward configuration by the user
  • Minimal hardware requirements
  • Optimised for low bandwidth
  • Large number of different (pre-defined) standards
  • Can be individually adapted to customer requirements

Support And Services

  • Adaptable to the needs of the troops with consideration to interoperability
  • Can be expanded in accordance with customer specifications
  • Design, procurement and support to complete systems including container solutions (communication & information services)

For further information, please contact us
