Unmanned Flying Testbed

Efficient flight tests with the unmanned flying testbed
We can test non-approved devices, algorithms and procedures comprehensively and efficiently in flight tests using our UAVs in the UMAT environment. With short integration times we provide support for qualification and proof of concept by using various tactical UAS.

UMAT R-350

In close cooperation with the German Armed Forces, ESG converted an unmanned UMS Skeldar R-350 helicopter into a test helicopter.
Several safety nets protect the aircraft from the test equipment, which enables safe flight tests at an extremely early stage of development. Due to its ability to hover, a large number of movement profiles can also be portrayed. The same applies to complex mission profiles, which we implement based on our risk and mitigation expertise as well as our experience in the approval process.

Functionality for the user:

  • Four positions for payload

  • 38 kg available payload

  • 400 W power supply


The UMAT environment also includes a test vehicle based on a Quantum Systems TRINITY. With this vehicle, small tests can be carried out with minimal effort. As it can take off and land vertically, there are hardly any requirements for the test area.

Functionality for the user:

  • Electric motor
  • VTOL ability
  • 1 kg available payload


The Flexible and Mobile Ground Control Station (FlexMobGCS) is a cockpit, test observation and evaluation station and a workshop all in one. This enables tests to be carried out almost completely independently in the UMAT environment. Customers can also be present live at the tests.

Functionality for the user:

  • Self-sufficient with its own generator
  • Large area available for customer equipment / test observation and evaluation
  • Real time data monitoring and recording

Support and Services

  • Consulting for and planning of flight tests
  • Creation of test plans and procedures
  • Execution of the necessary approval procedures: approval of the flights / SORA, nature conservation, frequency releases
  • Organisation and execution of flight tests
  • Preparation of the data recording or evaluation of the results

For further information, please contact us
