dual work-study programme

A cooperation between ESG and the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt


The degree course with a future

The degree with practical phases prepares students for the wide range of exciting job possibilities in the field of cybersecurity. ESG’s goal is to offer a high-quality and practical degree course that subsequently leads to a specific job.


with ESG as a partner


ESG is a partner for the dual work-study programme in cybersecurity at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI). This bachelor programme will begin each winter semester.

"The radical digitisation of our society offers vast opportunities to shape our future in a positive way. At the same time, we will only be able to transform these into specific beneficial products, services and methods if we can ensure their safety and security.

And to do so, we will need an increasing number of highly-trained specialists - in particular experts in cybersecurity. With our commitment as the sponsor of a new professorship and our cooperation with the THI, we want to not only strengthen our own up-and-coming talents at ESG but also to make a far-reaching visible contribution to both national and homeland security. At the same time, we are investing heavily in the sustainable expansion of our service portfolio as a reliable national technology and innovation partner for cyber and IT security."
Christoph Otten, CEO of ESG

dual work-study programme – apply now!


Start a degree course in cybersecurity now and excel yourself professionally and personally: The degree course in cybersecurity goes beyond classic IT security by integrating the whole of cyberspace and topics related to national, homeland and public security.

During the degree programme you will regularly be given the opportunity to use and broaden your newly acquired competences and skills in a real working environment.


Your current degree programme does not fully live up to your expectations? Academic studies alone do not offer you enough practical experience and you are looking for something new?

In a dual work-study programme, you alternate between university and practical phases. Part of the periods between different semesters and the practical semester are spent working directly at the partner company.


Have you finished your career in the armed forces and are now on the lookout for a new challenge where you can make the best possible use of what you have already learned?

With ESG as the partner company for the degree course in cybersecurity, you have the unique opportunity to apply your many years of professional experience, and at the same time learn something new.

Contents of the degree course


The range of course modules covers the core elements for understanding a networked security concept and draws from the specialist disciplines of government and legal frameworks for national, homeland and public security, computer science and cybersecurity. In addition, students will learn the basics of electrical engineering so they can understand the systems used.

Please note: All lectures in the dual programme are only held in German.

Job posting for the dual programme

Further information on the degree course in cybersecurity and the special requirements can be found in the job posting.

Find out more and apply here.


These are the next steps:

Send an application to ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH

Application should include a cover letter, CV and a degree/training certificate (or the last interim report).


Send an application to the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

After signing the training contract with ESG, you have to apply for a place at THI within the regular deadlines.



University and practical phases alternate systematically in a dual programme. During the periods between semesters and in the practical semester, students get to experience in-depth practical phases at the company.


Dual programme

The dual programme concludes with a bachelor thesis at the company leading to a bachelor of science in cybersecurity. This is normally followed by a seamless transition to a permanent position.


ESG application deadline

Programme beginning in October 2023
Applications must be submitted by 31 May 2023.

Apply to ESG
Application deadline for the degree course at THI

After signing the training contract with ESG, you have to apply for a place at THI within the regular deadlines.

Application for a place at THI can normally be submitted between 2 May and 15 July for the following winter semester.

Apply to THI

if you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.


Kathleen Fuhrmann,  HR department, Tel.: 0049 89 92161 4880