Radar systems

On the same wavelength as your requirements
With our many years of experience, we provide innovative solutions to improve the performance and readiness of your radar systems. As a reliable and manufacturer-independent partner for the introduction and use of new systems, we help you to assess and find the appropriate cost-effective solution.


The procurement, modernisation and utilisation of high-tech radar systems requires competence, experience and an excellent understanding of the technical and operational environment. As a German manufacturer-independent company, we see ourselves as as reliable partner of the German Armed Forces.

In the role of prime contractor for the procurement of new radar systems we deliver the full package and complete the manufacturer’s services. We also make sure that it the systems are introduced into the forces smoothly and with low risk.

As a consultant we ensure our customer's assessment ability through our competence and experience. For upcoming challenges, we find innovative and cost-effective solutions. For us flexibility and  trustful cooperation are the key to safely leading your projects to success.

System Integration

We take on system responsibility. We integrate radar systems into your weapon system and develop system improvements and new components to increase the capabilities of your radar systems.
During implementation, our radar experts take advantage of the wide range of expertise available at ESG. As a result, we keep a close eye on the entire system, including all technical and logistical aspects.

Our services:

  • Integration of radar systems into the overall system
  • Implementation of system improvements
  • Development and integration of new hardware components
  • Adaptation of interfaces
  • Solving obsolescence issues
  • Internal prototype and small series production
  • Test, qualification and implementation

Software Development

The performance of a radar system is mainly determined by its software. We develop and integrate software-based system improvements. We use new tools and interfaces to ensure the operational readiness of your radar systems and their seamless integration into the overall system network.

Your added value:

  • Performance increase through improved signal processing
  • Optimal tracking for better use of system resources
  • Information advantage with sensor fusion
  • Compatibility due to new interfaces, data conversion and filtering
  • Optimal operability and intuitive user guidance
  • Hardening for IT security
  • Analysis and assessment capability with data recording and evaluation
  • Optimally prepared thanks to simulation and training software

Integrated Logistic Support

Logistics is not everything, but without logistics everything is nothing. Even in the early stages of the development and introduction of complex radar systems we take responsibility for setting up well thought-out and user-friendly logistics.

Our Services:

  • On-Site maintenance

  • Configuration and document management

  • Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) according to ASD/AIA SPEC S1000D© and SPEC S2000M

  • Hazard assessments

  • Environmental impact analyses

  • Technical logistic support

For further information, please contact us
