Tools and software solutions

Tried and tested, and ready for your requirements
We develop customised software solutions & tools with respect to your demand.



MOCASSIN (Monte Carlo Sound Ray Intensities) is one of the most powerful operational sonar range prediction models, also used by the German Navy. On a commercially available computer, the system generates calculations and predictions of the sound propagation conditions for the active as well as for the passive mode of different sonar systems. The different visualisations are then displayed in a user-optimised manner.

MOCASSIN also has its

  • own environmental database,
  • can import and export data,
  • save calculations as a location
  • and is ideal for use in the areas of mammal protection and manoeuvre planning. 


Conditioning and instantiation tool for CMS

Modern Combat Management Systems [CMS] of the Navy are increasingly subject to comprehensive parameterisation. Through interaction with one or more supplementary data sets, the mission-specific and possibly position-dependent conditioning of such Combat Management Systems influence their mode of operation in the functional chains (use of sensors, analyses, use of effectors), especially in automatic processes. We have been providing the "I-Sys" conditioning and instantiation tool for creating system condition and configuration since 2013.


User-oriented workspace for the navy configuration management

Using state-of-the-art technology, we support the configuration management processes in the development and operational phase.

  • Intuitive user guidance
  • Clear representation of configuration data, thanks to tree structures, lists, tabs and filter options
  • Modular software design
  • Compatibility through customised interfaces and automated updates
  • Comprehensive process support for configuration management

For further information, please contact us
