Camp Solutions & Support

Complete logistic integration from a single source
Both the short and long-term accommodation of troops is associated with organisational, logistical and technical effort. ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH supports you here as a national and central service provider for procurement and support projects at home and abroad.


When your military base hosts soldiers from allied nations, you can count on our full technical and logistical support – we are your full-service provider for host nation support services. In partnership with the Norwegian framework contract partner WGS of the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (NDLO), we provide expertise in control and coordination, including the HOBS IT system.

Our services:

  • Port operations, rest areas, intermodal transport / military freight and passenger transport via partners
  • Control and coordination element + IT platform from ESG
  • Deployment of experts or German Armed Forces’ reservists
  • Support from Norwegian partners

We take on responsibility for:

  • Programme management
  • Holistic technical logistics / system network
  • Product business and system supplier
  • International marketing of the systems to military customers
  • Partner and supplier network for the technical system solution

We provide:

  • Tent-based modules to accomodate 4 people, consisting of
    • Living quarters & furniture
    • Catering module
    • Hygiene / sanitation module

Modular tent-based accommodation during deployment

The complete system "Modular tent-based accommodation" is used to accommodate soldiers during exercises and missions for a period of a few hours to 60 days. ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH provides you with clearly defined support.

Stationary accommodation during deployment


Long-term, central, stationary accommodation during deployment fulfils the accommodation requirements of mission forces according to the specific mission and spatial planning needs. It is provided if the assignment, the threat situation, the length of stay and the operational profile of the mission forces permit or require this.

Our services, your benefits:

  • Modular system field camp BW type II (protected)
    • Programme management
    • Holistic technical logistics / system network
    • Information and communication supply
  • German Armed Forces Contractor Program (G-CAP)
    • Highly mobile and stationary accommodation during deployment as a framework contract
    • Project management support services
    • Technical logistics support
    • Camp preparation, production, operation and dismantling by a service provider

For further information, please contact us
