Employee Benefits

A job that will never get boring, enjoyable collaboration with colleagues, and the feeling that you are making a useful contribution – this is what we have to offer.

Our broad customer base and activities in future-oriented fields mean that we have many challenging roles to offer. Technology and consulting are closely interlinked in all areas of the business. Short pathways and an open company culture result in a manageable and pleasant working environment which allows our members of staff to grow and develop. We actively promote performance and encourage our staff to take on responsibility. ESG provides its employees with the professional environment of an international company. History, a diversity of industries and the size of the company all ensure a high degree of stability and job security.

Our employees gain from following benefits:

ESG Job Benefit Projektvielfalt
Project Variety
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von flexiblen Arbeitszeiten.
Flexible Working Hours
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von Home Office Möglichkeiten.
Working @ Home
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von freien Fenstertagen.
Free Bridging Days
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von der Familienfreundlichkeit.
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge.
Company Pension
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von Weiterbildungen.
Further Education
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren bei der Versicherung.
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von Personalentwicklung.
Human Resource Development
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG erfreuen sich an einer sehr guten Kantine.
Restaurant Checks
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren vom Jobticket.
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren vom Jobrad.
Job Bike
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren vom Betriebsarzt.
Company Doctor
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von Expertenforen.
Expert Forums
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von Sportgruppen.
Sports Groups
Die Mitarbeiter der ESG profitieren von Mitarbeiterevents.
Employee Events


ESG is a family-friendly company for good reason. Mothers and fathers who can decide independently and flexibly on where and when they do their work are motivated, satisfied and productive because they manage to lead a fulfilled family and professional life. Nobody misses out if people are given this freedom: neither the employees nor their families nor the employer – that's our mission. That's why we create the right framework through part-time and full-time work and are convinced that trust in our employees’ self-organisation is an important asset for overall satisfaction.


The opportunity to adjust weekly working hours to your personal needs depending on your stage in life is part of our corporate culture. Flexible working hours, free “bridge days”, part-time work and parental leave – all of these play a key role in the organisation of your professional and private life. All of our employees benefit from these opportunities.