Ganzheitlicher Ansatz für Führungssysteme mit C4ISTAR der ESG


Holistic approach right across the spectrum
We develop command and control systems for our customers on the basis of many years of experience and military understanding. As a general contractor, we offer a perfect complete system with the requisite software and advice on hardware components.

Tailored complete systems

No compromises in operation

Whether you require command and weapon deployment systems, systems for joint fire support, reconnaissance equipment, backpacks, accessories or special requests. We work together with you to formulate a complete concept and provide you with competent advice. In doing so, we are able to draw on our extensive experience in the field of software systems and the military background of many of our employees (artillery, infantry, signals or fighter pilot).

  • Added value through a holistic approach – you tell us what you need, we take care of the rest

  • Decades of experience in the field of C4ISTAR

  • COTS/MOTS products adapted to you

  • No subsequent cost-intensive adjustments required for operation

  • Manufacturer-independent – optimum composition of hardware and software for your applications

Your advantages

  • A single point of contact – reduction of the coordination of different procurements within a project
  • Proven reliability in a multitude of military projects for national and international customers
  • Internal software development, which deals with current topics (Artificial Intelligence, big data, manned-unmanned-teaming or the connection of social media) at all times and contributes the knowledge gained to further development
  • High understanding for the needs of the users and the customer
  • We realise your requirements and needs when adapting our systems

For further information, please contact us
