Weltweit einsetzbare, verlegefähige und mobile Führungseinrichtungen.

command posts

Maximum flexibility

Command posts are the central point for command & control during planning and combat phases. Due to the enormous complexity of modern battles, as well as a considerable increase in personnel within the command levels, it is all the more important to provide the correct and necessary information. Information availability and evaluation is fundamental. For this, in addition to reliable communication connections, a media-free exchange of information at all command levels is also essential.

our solutions & services
Holistic expertise

We are a full-service provider and partner for the armed forces. We advise our customers independently and constructively on the technical possibilities for modern command posts and take responsbility for the implementation, integration and logistic support. Our drive in these complex projects is to realise a solution with which the soldiers on deployment and exercises can best fulfill their mission.

With our many years of expertise, we offer solutions for container- and vehicle-based command posts. Thus, we can provide all the necessary variants required for national and allied defence, but also for deployments. Through the use of state-of-the-art technology, we can significantly reduce the size of command posts, without reducing the necessary command & control capability with regard to the complexity of modern combat.

Our solutions enable state-of-the-art information management and ensure that relevant information is relayed, both nationally and internationally. Throughout the process, we take into account the necessary security of the entire IT, in order to enable a future-proof and secure solution throughout the entire lifecycle.

Container-based command posts
Command Post for MCD
  • Further development of GSCS
  • HF-shielded container building
  • Modular and two-storey construction

GSCS Eurofighter
  • Planning and control system for deployment and maintenance
  • Ensuring operational readiness of a squadron on a Deployed Operation Base
  • Up to three security domains per container
Air force mobile command & control system
  • Ensure command & contgrol capability for the air forces
  • Specifically equipped container types
  • Up to three security domains per container
  • Provides interoperability and network-enabled capabilities
Joint Fire Support Coordination Group
  • Communication and coordination element for the Joint Fire Support Team (JFST)
  • Communication element for the Joint Fire Support Coordination Group (JFSCG)
  • Real-time data exchange in the network-enabled JFS system
vehicle-baseD command post solutions
Vehicle integration ATV Fuchs
  • Usable as operations centre, fire control centre and JFSCT
  • Communications equipment 4 x VHF, HF, Tetrapol, BGAN, UHF, SatCom
  • VoIP radio integration
Einsatzerprobte Hardware für Eagle2
Solutions for dismounted operation
  • Target detection and acquisition
  • Data processing
  • Tactical voice and data communication
  • Power supply
specialised in bringing together
different modules to make a reliable complete system

We are your partner for the combination of IT, air-conditioning, power, protected containers as well as training and logistics

  • Concept and design
  • Construction and layout of the IT
  • IT configuration and ensuring accreditability
  • Generate interactive electronic technical documentation (IETD) in accordance with the ASD/AIA S1000D and S2000M specifications
  • Plan and develop logistic concepts
  • Prepare and transfer logistic information to SAP system
  • Develop concepts for initial training and execute squad training for operators and maintenance staff
  • Implement training/reference systems
  • Provide technical and logistic support for systems during their service life
your benefits
The optimal solution for your needs
  • You receive a complete ready-to-use system: We only deliver it once it has been extensively tested and documented.
  • In its role as technology and process partner, ESG is not dependent on any manufacturer or hardware provider.
One-stop solution
  • Even for complex projects with many subcontractors, ESG is your single responsible contact.
  • We accompany you throughout the entire lifecycle of complex technical systems.
Experience & expertise
  • Many of our team members were previously in the German Armed Forces. They know the special requirements for deployment systems.
  • We understand the interaction between different systems. The necessary interfaces and flexible technology are a matter of course.

For further information, please contact us
