Pilot Vision System

Unique pilot assistance system for flight navigation in low visibility (DVE)
With its stereoscopic and multispectral display of sensor, position and helicopter information, the Pilot Vision System Next Generation (PVSNG) offers helicopter pilots a superior view and a significant situational advantage in the field. This enables helicopters to operate safely under low visibility conditions such as darkness, fog, rain, snow and dust.

Highest resolution under multispectral infrared vision

Functionality for the user:

  • Highest perceptible image quality in two infrared visual bands
  • Variable vision e.g. see through clouds and fog
  • Improved safety in white or brown out situations
  • High-contrast image at darkest night (> Night Level 5)
  • Reduced detectability due to passive IR sensors
  • Multispectral image fusion for highly detailed colour display
Stereoskopische Sicht zur Verbesserung der Tiefenwahrnehmung im Helmsichtsystem (HMSD).

Support for spatial orientation

Functionality for the user:

  • Stereoscopic view to improve depth perception in the helmet-mounted sight and display system (HMSD)
  • Natural colour 3D vision
  • 360 ° all-round visibility with a wide field of view
  • Simultaneous use by both pilots

Passive obstacle and target detection

Functionality for the user:

  • Optional object detection (obstacles, targets)
  • Distance determination (hyper-stereoscopic IR camera)
  • Applicable for different camera systems

Overlay of flight control information and symbols

„Eyes out of the Cockpit“ – Information on flight control and object detection is visible in the helmet-mounted sight and display system (HMSD) during the mission.

Functionality for the user:

  • Overlay of IR image and flight control information
  • Full colour display in the helmet-mounted sight and display system (HMSD)

Distortion-free display in real-time

Distortion-free natural outside view without restricting head movement. Image display without perceptible latency.

Functionality for the user:

  • High-speed gimbal follows the pilot's head movement in all directions
  • Very low latency in image transmission

Support And Services

  • Platform-independent use due to low weight and modularity.
  • Flexible configuration and scalability for all helicopter platforms such as Tiger, NH90, CH-53 and future heavy transport helicopters of the German Armed Forces.
  • Interfaces to most cockpit displays, including all helmet-mounted sight and display systems (HMSD) available on the market
  • Flexible configuration of Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR) and scalability for all helicopter platforms

For further information, please contact us
