Icon Militär

Vacancies for the support of military and public authorities

Technical solutions can make a big difference when it comes to challenging tasks. We are looking for people to support our clients on this journey. An in-depth understanding of processes is an important prerequisite because our solutions range from strategic relevance to the complex world of logistics.

Jobbörse bei der ESG

We are looking for occupational safety specialists

Open vacancies

ESG's own OSIMA Professional software tool provides clients with a holistic approach for creating and updating individual risk assessments. We recruit occupational safety specialists who receive continuous training to provide advice, training, service and support in this environment.

Jobbörse bei der ESG

We are looking for colleagues for ESG's own IT solutions

Open vacancies

ESG's own TARANIS development is a software solution to improve situational awareness and the associated decision-making processes. The tailor-made TARANIS solutions cover the entire range of requirements for the exchange of information on all command levels. People retiring from the Bundeswehr (German armed forces) with experience in IT systems used by the Bundeswehr or artillery are in particularly good hands here.

Jobbörse bei der ESG

We are looking for logistics experts

Open vacancies

Our internally developed N-CORE system simplifies the codification of military material for National Codification Bureaus, the armed forces and the public sector. Clients from industrial companies can manage material, product and service data with the powerful software. This means that the codification system can be used in both the military and civilian logistics sector. Our clients need the support of logistics engineers in this special field of logistics.


Lisa Harlander Tel: 089 92161 - 2632