Pilot Selection System

Simulation-supported and objective
In order to increase the efficiency and quality of flight training, this system can be used to test the suitability of pilot candidates before training starts - objectively and on the basis of data.


The pilot workstation can be configured as a single or two-seat cockpit and the dynamic flight behaviour and cockpit layout can be varied to produce different levels of complexity for the aptitude test.

Cockpit configuration options:

  • Choice between H/C and A/C
  • Single / two-seat cockpit
  • Instrument panel display
  • Flight behaviour
  • Sensitivity of the controls
  • Autopilot
  • Weapons and sensor simulation


GUI-based definition and creation of event and consequence chains for the automated control of mission sequences.

Testable aptitude characteristics:

  • Ability to cope with high workload
  • Attention distribution
  • Sensorimotor skills
  • Crew coordination

Data recording and evaluation

Recording of flight parameters and mission sequences for flight documentation and psychological evaluation of the test subject

Functionalities for instructors:

  • Definition of measured data
  • Observable and objectively ascertainable aptitude characteristics
  • Statistical evaluation (frequency, mean value, etc.)
  • Debriefing and replay

Support and services

  • Adaptation of the product according to customer requirements
  • On-site support
  • User training
  • Hotline support including remote maintenance
  • Obsolescence management
  • Software maintenance/modification
  • Creation of new scenarios and mission sequences, modification of the analysis

For further information, please contact us
