Stellen für Werkstudenten bei der ESG.

Jobs for work placement students

(engineers and computer scientists)

Jobs for work placement students Innovative systems are created at ESG from in-depth expertise in technology and software development. We therefore offer the right environment for students to develop their skills, especially those on technical and computer science degree courses. Expand your practical expertise and gain some initial professional experience as a work placement student in a renowned high-tech company.

Work placement student for experimental systems

Responsible tasks in an exciting environment

I am studying for a Master's in industrial engineering  at Munich University of Applied Sciences and I have already been working for quite some time at ESG. I am involved in the “Unmanned Mission Avionics Test Helicopter” project in the experimental systems business unit, which offers flight tests on the unmanned helicopter of the same name, amongst other things.

My main task – together with my manager – is to set up a sales organisation for our flight test services and further develop the business area accordingly. I was involved in the project at an early stage and was therefore able to play an active role in shaping the strategic focus and the underlying processes. Cross-programme activities that give me an insight into the research and technology topics at ESG round off my role as a work placement student.

I have been associated with ESG since I completed my schooling. After completing my general qualification for university entrance, I completed my training as an industrial clerk here and then came back to ESG whilst studying. I was cordially welcomed into the team when I began my job as a work placement student and always received detailed answers to any outstanding questions (organisational and technical).

My degree course is very much driven by the automotive industry because of the location but it was very clear to me during my training that the defence & public security sector offers very exciting topics. Despite only being around ten hours a week during the semester (which I can adapt very flexibly to my coursework), I am fully and actively involved in projects and can therefore make a valuable contribution and take on responsible tasks.

I am not just committed to ESG because of the exciting environment and technical challenges, but also because of the excellent working atmosphere and the agility of an innovative company with flat hierarchies. I can face tasks with a great deal of freedom, introduce content from my course and pursue new ideas directly. All in all, a work placement student position at ESG is a very good opportunity to gain valuable practical insights into a highly interesting environment while studying.

Work placement student for aerosystems

Work placement student job as a valuable addition to course content

I am studying computer Informatics (Bachelor's degree) at the Technical University of Munich and have been working as a work placement student at ESG for several months. I can therefore gain practical experience whilst studying and also finance my degree course by working as a work placement student. ESG offers an ideal framework for this.

Direct involvement in ongoing ESG projects continually builds on the knowledge that I acquire at university. I also get a good overview of the course of such industrial projects, some of which are very large and complex. The adequate training period and the good support at ESG are very helpful in order to adapt quickly to the respective projects and integrate into the project teams. The work as a work placement student clearly helps me to gain the right practical experience, which is lacking at university, but is interesting and valuable for my future career.

I can organise my individual working hours very flexibly with my ESG manager.  This is very convenient because I can arrange my working hours so that they fit in well with my respective university timetable. This helps me in particularly with the planning of the entire semester. I can also reduce my working hours if necessary so that I can fully concentrate on learning in the exam period.

I also wrote my final thesis for my Bachelor's degree at ESG. Again, I was involved directly in a specific project in which I was assigned research tasks. In addition to a theoretical aspect, the Bachelor's thesis also involved a practical element, which was implemented directly on site at ESG and has been used since. I was grateful for the excellent assistance provided by my manager whilst completing my Bachelor's thesis. All in all, I can say that the decision to establish contacts in the company early on was the right thing to do so that I could also write my final thesis there and I would make the same decision again.

Jobbörse bei der ESG

Vacancies for work placement students

Open vacancies


Claudia Wenzel
Tel.: +49 (089) 92161 - 2544