Icon Mentoring

Scholarships and mentoring for students

You are studying a technical discipline and would like to continue to develop personally while you are at university. Then ESG is the just right place for your while you are studying. We support students and provide them with an experienced mentor. We participate in valuable support programmes for life and career planning.

Germany Scholarship

We are committed to the Germany Scholarship. Each year we support students who merit special assistance. The special thing about this scholarship is the holistic approach by which the scholarship recipients are selected: good grades, academic achievements, social commitment/community involvement and difficult situations (e.g. single parent studying) are just as much a part of the selection criteria as the willingness to take on responsibility and successfully overcoming obstacles in your own education and life journey.


With mentorING, one of the most successful mentoring programmes at the Technical University of Munich since 2002, students on STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics) degree courses receive support for a year with life and career planning from mentors at partner companies. ESG has been a cooperation partner since 2005 and is involved in one-to-one mentoring, application training and excursions. In addition, we advise graduates on applying for jobs, starting a career, career development and their work-life balance. In your are interested in cooperative planning, you can apply for the mentorING programme at the Technical University of Munich and specify ESG as your preferred partner!

Experience reports
Bärbel – mentor

Bärbel studied mathematics at the University of Augsburg and has been working for ESG MOBILITY as a systems engineer since 2015. In 2018, she was a mentor assisting her mentee, Ekin, in her personal and professional development. She reported on her experiences in an interview.

What was the key factor in deciding to become a mentor and what expectations did you have?

In general, I am in favour of these types of programmes that support students on technical degree courses and I am pleased to be able to help. Students on mathematics degree courses in particular often do not know what opportunities are available to them when they complete their studies. I am happy to assist them. I had hoped to be able to pass on my personal experiences.

What inspired you most in your role as a mentor?

What inspired me most were the insights I gained into other companies that were partners in the mentorING programme and, as a result, I was able to make a good comparison between my employer and others. I also found the choice of lectures and training courses very appropriate.

Were there specific questions that you could resolve together during the mentorING programme?

My mentee knew exactly what she wanted. I was on hand to advise her. Later, I also sponsored a second mentee, with whom I discussed her plans for the future and gave assistance with professional and personal questions.

How have you benefited personally from this?

I have become aware that it is not that easy to take on an advisory role without imposing your opinion on the other person. We also listened to a lecture on how to provide good advice, which was very helpful for me.

How often did you meet up in the course of the programme?

I met up with my first mentee every four to six weeks and approximately every six to eight weeks with my second one. Lectures were provided every eight weeks. There were also full day seminars that you could attend voluntarily. Overall, it is not very time-consuming taking on a mentor role and it can be easily integrated into your everyday working life.

Ekin - mentee

Ekin is studying mathematics at the Technical University of Munich and participated in the mentorING programme in 2018. Here, Ekin got to know the mentor Bärbel and therefore became aware of ESG where she has been working as an intern in “Classic E/E Integration” since April 2019. She reported on her experiences in an interview.

What did you hope to get out of the mentorING programme?

I hoped that I would get to know other students from other courses of study and with different goals. I was also interested in the mentor's experiences. I wanted to continue to develop personally and professionally and be given some orientation on the different opportunities available in life.

Were your expectations fulfilled?

Definitely. In addition, I received many tips on dealing with others and on my personal appearance.

Was the mentor able to support you in achieving your goals? What were your goals?

My goals were my personal and professional development as well as the orientation within my degree course. The mentor was able to provide very good support in achieving my goals and give me valuable tips for planning my future. The programme was very helpful, especially for career-related matters, such as preparing application documents and dealing with stress.

What advice and important insights do you take with you into the future?

The most important advice for me was that you should never be afraid of rejection, but you can openly engage with others and speak to them if you have any questions. For me, it was useful to know that it is not a bad thing to have a gap on your CV as a result of orientation and personal development. What I also realise for the future is that you are never too old or young to try out new things.