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OSIMA services

service to the point

Your expert contact

for all occupational safety matters in Germany

Click on the keywords below to find out more about the services we offer.

Our service hotline for your questions: +49 89 92161-2444


Are you facing the challenge of creating or updating a hazard assessment for the first time?
Do you already use hazard assessment software, but want to switch?

Whatever your situation, we have the perfect solution for you.
Our experts transfer your previous hazard assessments and documentation into the database-supported OSIMA system, in which your activities and hazard points are connected with the protective measures you have defined in a transparent and structured way.

You are ready to act again quickly and can concentrate on your core role.
Benefit from the experience of our experts. We will be happy to support you in creating or optimising your hazard assessment.


Our experienced safety engineers identify all the hazards on site at your company and generate a comprehensive picture of your hazard situation. All the hazards found are promptly recorded in the OSIMA database. This recording also includes linking to the current laws and regulations. A unique law monitoring service keeps you constantly informed of all changes to the law that could be important to you via email, so that you can update your hazard assessments quickly and easily.

As well as determining hazards, our safety engineers also classify them by severity and extent of damage, taking your individual criteria into account. You are constantly involved in the process and informed about the latest developments, yet still free to pursue your main role.

Our experts suggest appropriate protective measures for your hazards and develop them in detail. They determine the predicted effectiveness of each individual protective measure and use it to calculate the residual risk. OSIMA provides support in monitoring the real implementation of measures and keeps you informed of the residual risk. As a result, you receive a comprehensive catalogue of measures with tailored priorities for action.


As an employer, you are responsible for the occupational safety of your staff. This responsibility includes taking all measures required to ensure that your staff are safe.

Using your current safety situation as a starting point, our experts work with you to develop an action plan for sustainably improving your occupational safety management. You receive all the information you need for this, in a clear and structured way, put together in a decision template that enables you to make well-founded decisions.


Once the measures have been defined, our experts take care of the entire implementation, from documenting decision-making to delegation and deadline monitoring. If required, we can also create and update your documentation, such as operating instructions and much more...

We make your occupational safety management simple, economical and reliable. Benefit from the decades of cross-sector experience of a leading system house that offers the neutral view of an external consultant.


Further packages of services, such as software and system maintenance, training and consulting on the creation of documentation (e.g. technical reports), can also be agreed on an individual basis.

We support you exactly where you need us – quickly and reliably.


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